Friday, May 21, 2010

Discipleship Awards

It's almost the end of the year! June 13th is our last Sunday School class. That means that it's almost time for Discipleship Awards!

If you and your child have been working hard on your Discipleship Goals, please let me know so that I can present them with an award on June 13th.

Also, if you have a 2nd grader, PLEASE let me know if they will be attending class on June 13th. I have a special graduation award for all of the 2nd graders that will be moving up to the 3rd grade class in the fall.

We will be having our end of the year party on June 13th. I have a special activity planned. The kids have filled up their D-Point bin 4 times already, so we'll be having donuts. If they can fill it up 2 more times, we'll also be having chocolate milk!

Thanks again for the opportunity to minister to your kids! It has been a great year!

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