Friday, October 30, 2009

Week 7/8 Handouts

Hi guys!

Yes, I'm behind on getting my handouts online...again...

Hopefully, once soccer is over and everyone is done being sick, I'll be able to stay on top of things a little better.

Anyhow, here are the handouts

Thursday, October 15, 2009

Week 5/Week 6 Handouts

Whoops! Just realized that I never got Week 5's handouts up. Sorry about that!

Here are the handouts for Weeks 5 and 6:

If I forget to post these and you need them, feel free to call or email me and I can send them do you.

Sunday, October 4, 2009

Prayer List Update

This week in Sunday School, we made a Prayer List for our class. I just wanted to add one thing to it. One of last year's 2nd graders, Brenden (now a 3rd grader), is having back surgery tomorrow (Monday). Please pray for him and his family this week.


Friday, October 2, 2009

Week 4 Handouts

Hi everyone!

Sorry this is so late in the week. Here are the handouts from last Sunday's class:

And I was able to get a bunch of folders for the D-Books! So if your child received a D-Book, but no folder inside, let me know and I'll get them one.

See you Sunday!